
Corporate events
Trained people


Leadership Grow up


Authentic Leadership Academy

18, 19, 20 NOVEMBER 2021

Emotional Intelligence Laboratory

Explore the impact of emotions on physical and mental wellness, individual and organizational performance, creativity and innovation.

Empathy Academy

We won’t talk you about, what empathy is on theory. We will help you experience it, starting inside out. Because to be empathetic, first we need to be self-aware and more sensitive to ourselves.

Presentation skills. Storytelling for business.

Storytelling is a powerful way to learn how to present and influence the audience using their emotions.

Growth mindset & Curiosity

This training is focused on changing attitudes and perceptions. It should prepare participants to be more open for change and improvement.

Thinking out of the box & Innovation

Creativity is the power to act. This training dives deeper into the idea think out of the box and mainly why it is important to develop creative thinking mind.

Critical thinking. Decision making.

Nowadays we are bombarded with tons of different kind of information and realize it or not we are making decisions, and solving problems every day.

Leading Virtual Teams

With the rise of digitization, it's not a surprise that many companies are going remotely, transforming the standard teams into virtual ones..

Change Management


Communication Grow up

Customer WOW Academy

The face of the company is all of the people who provide the service to your clients. The first meeting with them – the first word, gesture, smile determine their attitude towards you.

Comuni- cation Grow Up

Present like TED. Public speaking.

The truth is… when we are talking about public speaking, the important thing is not what you say but rather how you say it...


Influence Grow up

Train the Trainers

Regardless of how superior one trainer is, if he stops developing himself, he would be replaced by someone not that great but strongly motivated...

Influencing Others