WHAT is Storytelling for business and WHY is it so important?
You are standing in front of an audience… 10, 50, 100, 500 people.
And regardless if you need to present a new product, announce an event or just speak to your colleagues, we all know that our approach to the situation is essential for winning the audience. To hold their attention, you need to touch them with your story, your voice, the way your body speaks … with your whole presence.
Recent studies have shown that human focus is only 8 seconds long, which means we have a short time window to steal people’s attention and make them listen to us.
Storytelling is a powerful way to learn how to present and influence the audience using their emotions. The course consists of five different meetings (modules), which have a purely practical focus.
The final module is a ceremony where each participant has to present a short story or a presentation in front of the group.
Additionally, each participant receives an individual coaching session in which more deeply can be discussed personal difficulties with presenting.
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." — Maya Angelou
WHAT do you need to know about Storytelling for business?
Main topics?
# Attitude
Which are the thoughts/ the limiting beliefs connected to the public speaking?
The personal style of the speaker/storyteller.
The preparation begins inside out.
# Story building
Key messages.
Each story needs its 5 C’s – Circumstance, Curiosity, Characters, Conversations, and Conflict.
The beginning.
The middle.
The end.
# Talk with your ego
Your goal is to give something to the audience.
Focus shift.
Make the connection with the people.
“You’re not the hero of your talk, your audience is.”
# Impact and transfer of emotions
None of the facts and figures matter until you have some sort of emotional connection.
Stories are a great way to connect emotionally.
Get Your Audience Engaged Through the Senses.
Emotion sharing/ Influence through the voice and the non-verbal presence.
Breathing techniques/ Articulation/ Intonation.
Pose/ Eye contact
Integrity – the synchrony between what we say and the way we say it.
#Give Your Audience What Matters
Practice makes Perfect!
What are the trained competences?
Self-awareness, Storytelling, Non-verbal communication, Impact of others and a lot more.
How long?
5 meetings.
1 individual coaching session.
Upon request.
H-vision is pleased to invite you to our Storytelling for Business course!
5 meetings, 5 “tricks” how to touch the audience with your story.
Now available Online via ZOOM!
Milena Hadzhiivanova – psychologist, executive coach, trainer…
Milena is a business trainer with serious experience and a highly interactive approach. She uses provocative methods, diving deeper into people’s needs, and leading them towards changing attitudes and behaviors.
Bashar Rahal – actor, producer, motivational speaker…
Well known as an actor and a producer in the last few years, he changes the scene, taking part in different H-Vision’s projects for developing people and teams. He has very successfully fitted into the role of a business trainer with his different perspective, experience, and honest feedback to the audience.
The unusual collaboration between an actor and psychologist creates a remarkable team and brings in itself power to the people who want to develop themselves – in a professional and personal plan.